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What's Cool

The Morning After

Posted on May 23, 2011 by ari

One of the great things about beer ice cream is the total lack of hangover.  But that didn’t stop us from having a few Mary’s this morning to celebrate.  Thanks for your support!  It was a pretty smooth ride for a maiden voyage.  Other than a small mishap involving power lines and our overly-large rental truck (sorry EABF!), major disaster was averted and beer ice cream was served to the masses.

And amass you did.  We were totally swamped and enjoyed every minute.  The best part about a beer fest – aside from the beer – is getting to meet a whole bunch of people.  In between scooping we managed to chat with more than a few of you, and we learned some interesting tidbits:

  1. You seem to love beer ice cream (us too!).
  2. You love beer ice cream even more when you’ve had a bit to drink, but we probably shouldn’t take your bulk orders for 50 gallons of home-delivered Vanilla Bock seriously.
  3. One tipsy festival-goer informed us more than a few times about the pending end of the world at 6PM.  We obliged him with a free scoop as his last meal, but we’re glad we all made it through ok.  Guess we’re fine until 12/12/12.

So what’s next?  We go back to do some more “research” on new flavors and get geared-up for the next go-round.  We’re on for the Atlanta Summer Beer Fest on June 25th, but we may have a surprise for you before then.  Stay tuned…

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