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Launch Week

Posted on July 1, 2012 by ari

In case you haven’t heard, last week was a big one for us – finally, our launch! We’ve been working on this for two years now, so we’re beyond excited to finally bring it out into the light. There’s nothing quite like being able to transform your passion for craft beer into something completely unique, and then sharing it with all of ATL.

I had a great ride-along with our distributor, and we hand delivered every pint. It’s no small task delivering ice cream in 100°+ heat, but I’m happy to report that everyone (pints included) made it safe and sound.

We also had a great launch event with Hop City on Thursday. They were more than welcoming, and we’re thrilled to be in such a perfect spot! Great chance to meet some fellow beer geeks and talk brews. Opinions were divided as to a favorite flavor – more reason to try them all, I guess…

The next few weeks should be pretty exciting. We’re setting up a whole bunch of great events and tastings, getting in touch with other local beer fanatics, and doing everything we can to get the word out. Be sure to come see us at Red, White and Brew on the 4th! Thanks for your support!



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