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Brewing Flavors

Posted on June 21, 2011 by ari

We’ve been asked this question a lot – how do you create your flavors? Of course we make more than a few trips to our local pub for samples, but there’s a lot that happens after the drinking, too.

We always start with the beer as our inspiration. And it can come from any source – calling on old favorites, recommendations from friends or fans, and especially through sampling at beer festivals. Once we have the brew, we think about flavors that may compliment it well. Take our Honey IPA for instance. We knew we were looking for something sweet to balance the bitterness of our IPA, and the floral notes in the honey worked perfectly with the ones coming from the hops.

Next is where the real fun starts: test batches. Oh, the test batches. Our kitchen sees at least a dozen versions before we nail down the final recipe. Each time we tweak the levels of beer and other ingredients until we find the perfect balance. Sometimes a flavor doesn’t work and we have to cut it (we mourn for at least an hour). But we love the process, because we’re slightly OCD relentless perfectionists.

Finally, we have an esteemed taste testing panel that evaluates each and every flavor before we release it to the public. Membership is quite exclusive, but you might be able to secure a spot if you can find a way to sweeten the deal… no wait, that’s our job. Just send over a bribe and we’ll see what we can do.

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