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8 Different Types Of Beer That Everyone Should Try

Posted on July 31, 2017 by ari

You can't define yourself as a true beer amateur unless you are willing to try the world's most popular types of beer. Only in the US, we can count at least 3,000 craft breweries, which means that the production and sales of this evergreen beverage are really very popular.

online slotsIf you have friends at home for a barbecue or a small summer party, you can't avoid offering them some beer. Also, when you watch a movie or a football you are likely to have a cold beer next to you. Think of slots-obsessed casino gamblers – when they play from home, they usually eat any kind of finger food, but beer is always there at reach. Imagine you are having fun with these slots at You probably wouldn't enjoy those cool slots without drinking some excellent beer!

Get Extra Knowledge About Beer Like A Pro

As you can see, beer is an ever-there beverage that makes the atmosphere even funnier and more pleasant for everyone. But knowing all the different kinds of beer adds an extra touch of knowledge and you maybe want to start talking about beer like a pro. It's surely a great way to amaze your friends the next time you invite them for a summer barbecue.

Also, you may like the idea of offering them the best food and beer pairings, so your barbecue will turn into an unforgettable event for both your friends and you. Once you know each type of beer, it's easier for you to pick (but even invent) the best pairing with food. And if you want to be more sophisticated, knowing each type of beer also helps you choose the right glass for serving it.

Start Learning The Best Types Of Beer!

Here we are with a list of the most popular and appreciated types of beer that you can serve at your next party. As you can see, you have plenty of choices:

  1. Pale Lager and Pilsners
    These kinds of beer are golden-colored with a reasonably lighter flavor and lower alcohol level than other beers. The Pale Lagers and Pilsner style of beer originated in the actual Czech Republic and Germany. Today, you can find a lot of beers under this style, like the American Lager, the German Helles, the German Pilsner, the Czech or Bohemian Pilsner.

  2. Dark LagersOktoberfest
    Opposite to Pale Lager beers, you will find Dark Lagers that are beers with a darker color and a toasted-caramel flavor. The content of alcohol is not too low and not too high, just averagely middle. In this category of beers, you'll easily find the Amber American Lager, the Oktoberfest, the German Schwarzbier, the Vienna Lager.

  3. German Bocks
    If you are looking for a strong malty flavor, the German Bocks are the kind of beers that you should try. These beers are quite sweet and nutty with a low content of alcohol. Some of the most typical beers under this style include Traditional Bock, Doppelbock, Weizenbock, Mailbock. Each of these beers has different content of alcohol from low up to higher.

  4. Brown Ales
    The Brown Ales style includes beers with malty overtones and lightly toasted-caramel flavors. These beers contain mid-range alcohol levels. You can find on the market the American Brown Ale and the English Brown Ale.

  5. Pale Ales
    The opposite side of the previous beer style is represented by Pale Ales, hoppy beers with low content of alcohol. You can know these beers from their typically light color. Some of the most popular Pale Ales include the American Amber Ale, the American Pale Ale, the Blond Ale, the English Bitter, and the English Pale Ale.

  6. PortersEnglish Brown Porter
    Porter beers are pretty dark in color and have a sweet, caramel-like flavor. Many people say that Porters remind them of chocolate or coffee flavors, as well. You must try the American Imperial Porter, but you may also like the English Brown Porter and the Robust Porter.

  7. Stouts
    In the category of dark beers, you will also find Stouts, similar to Porters but with a stronger and roasted-like flavor. The alcohol content varies from middle to high. Examples of Stouts are the American Stout, the American Imperial Stout, the Oatmeal Stout, the Milk Stout, and the Irish Dry Stout.

  8. Belgian Styles
    Belgian beers are also pretty popular among amateurs who appreciate the typically spiced and fruity flavors of beers like the Belgian Pale Ale, the Belgian Dubbel, the Belgian Tripel, the Belgian Quadrupel, the Belgian Strong Dark Ale, the Belgian Saison.

Plenty of choice for you and your guests, as you can see! Have fun choosing the right beer for the right occasion, your party will turn into a great not-to-miss event.

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