Category Archives: Blog

Wanna work for a start-up? That makes beer ice cream?

Why apply?           If we have to explain, you probably aren’t the right candidate. Who is?                   We’re looking for someone as unique (and crafty?) as our product. If any or all of the following apply to you, you should … Continue reading

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Our (Divinely Inspired) First Collaboration: Pecan Eschaton

We’re pleased to announce the launch of our first collaboration flavor : “Pecan Eschaton.” Developed with fellow locals, Wild Heaven Craft Beers, this baby’s one of a kind.  The custom flavor features buttered roasted pecans – a savory complement to … Continue reading

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Launch Week

In case you haven’t heard, last week was a big one for us – finally, our launch! We’ve been working on this for two years now, so we’re beyond excited to finally bring it out into the light. There’s nothing … Continue reading

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Big News Coming Soon

If you’re in the Atlanta area, we’ve got something in store for you very shortly….

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Brewing Flavors

We’ve been asked this question a lot – how do you create your flavors? Of course we make more than a few trips to our local pub for samples, but there’s a lot that happens after the drinking, too. We … Continue reading

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The Morning After

One of the great things about beer ice cream is the total lack of hangover.  But that didn’t stop us from having a few Mary’s this morning to celebrate.  Thanks for your support!  It was a pretty smooth ride for … Continue reading

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First post!

This space reserved for a witty and insightful blog post.  Sorry, we’ve been busy wrangling the ice cream gnomes…

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