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The 10 Key Elements In Tarot Card Readings

Posted on January 17, 2021 by ari

As soon as you’ve done that, you will know what those cards mean to YOU. Begin by dividing the Kings or the Queens from the deck. You should never rely on someone else’s interpretations of ANY cardrely solely on your own. ‘ Lay them side by side in this sequence: Hearts, Clubs, Diamonds, and Spades.

Naturally, I tried studying the cards separately; I got bored after the first two or three cards. Publish a name of someone you are involved with or interested in to each card. Of course, methods that are considered "normal" not work for me anyway (no matter WHAT it is, not only with Tarot), therefore I have to produce my own way of doing things. You can choose Unknown for the leftover cards. Like anything, you have to find your own way, but I DO like the concept of analyzing each card and getting your personal meanings from them, and that has stuck with me for ages. (This is precisely what I have done since shifting decks; my mind was settled and because I had been studying for sufficient time (on and off), I managed to check at the cards and read them for exactly what I see these as.

Put the cards back in the deck, shuffle, and also ask a question. So, the method worked for me, but not in the time I had originally tried it. Deal out the rest of the cards face up, laying them out one at a time. And I must add that it only has functioned for the brand new (Legend of Arthur) deck rather than the outdated (Rider-Waite) deck.

Proceed across four piles and return to the start if required. I still can’t see my own meanings from the Rider-Waite deck. Your question is answered when you deal a matching suit on among the Kings or Queens.

More in my new deck below.) Ask another question and start laying down cards from the start of the row , stopping again every time a lawsuit matches a King or Queen. Probably within a year after I received my Rider-Waite deck found the deck I now use, Legend: The Arthurian Tarot deck with Anna-Marie Ferguson that can be bought on in the following link Once each of the cards are dealt, select up each pile and count the amount of cards of each match. This appears to be just the deck (with little booklet) and costs around $20, but the package I’d purchased was the deck and a large book explaining the deck. Hearts denote love, clubs signify energy and liveliness, diamonds signify money, and spades reveal contemplation and thought. I harbor ‘t read the book, and I don’t believe I really looked at it to be honest, but it’s there, I have it.

The more you have of a single lawsuit indicates the predominant influence or the possibility of the relationship. I believe I may have quickly just reversed (without studying or really looking) but that’s about all. Look up the meanings of these cards on the reference graph for a deeper understanding. It cost me somewhere around $50 in the time at a publication (same one because I got another deck, but they had this one on their shelves) I can’t remember the title of and no longer exists because Chapters purchased out them if I remember correctly. Clubs (Wands) I have changed decks (from Rider-Waite to Arthurian Tarot) over the previous 2 years (I believe, but let’s leave it at that, nice round number), and haven’t gone back to the older Rider-Waite deck since. Ace: the start of achievements, professional success, the power to make things occur King: dark haired person, honest, open, generous and loyal Queen: dark haired woman, strong, helpful, attractive, pleasant girl, inclined to be temperamental Jack: a reliable friend, honest but respectful 10: sudden good fortune with bad reduction, imprisonment 9: a fresh love, disputes with pals, endurance and intensity 8: rapid or sudden occurence of the matter at hand 7: honor, uphill battle, prosperity in opposition, chance of romantic interference 6: company success, profitable business in partnership 5: opposition from friends or associates, quarreling, strife, failure of project as a result of buddies 4: satisfaction, solidification, crystalization, completion 3: great marriage or partnership, long engagement, and then a quick wedding 2: ownership and territory, the urge to possess. My Arthurian Legend deck was calling to me, telling me it was time to begin using them; they told me I was ready.

Hearts (Cups) I always knew I would know WHEN to get out them and use them, and they called to me. Ace: the beginning of friendship, love, the home and distinct happiness King: fair haired man, affectionate, generous, impetuous, honest man, hasty in choices, to not be relied upon for information Queen: fair haired woman, reliable, loyal loving woman, tender & satisfying Jack: fair haired young man, good friend, a close (or long lost) friend 10: instability of intense brooding passion, an overfilled heart spilling over 9: the ‘desire card’, fantasies and desires will come true, good fortune, happiness, good news 8: invitations, but additionally partings, parties or parties 7: someone is undependable, bliss, debauch, whoredom 6: sudden good fortune, jealousy, imposed upon by untrustworthy people, pleasure 5: jealousy, inability to make a determination, disappointment 4: overabundance and surplus 3: fertility, abundance, pregnancy 2: friendship, love, fulfilled heart, perfect balance the full details.

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